Home Front
Never before have we faced the level of threat that now confronts us. We stand on the edge of major ecological and social tipping points that could manifest in the coming decades.
Demands for appropriate risk management and immediate action at emergency speed are now coming from some unexpected quarters.To protect human populations, environmental systems and to avoid further tipping points we are now told that it will be necessary to act as fast as humanly possible to lower the earth’s temperature to within a safe climate range.
HOME FRONT documents the existential threat of climate change from a uniquely Australian economic and national security perspective.
Existential Gamble opens with a hard hitting look at the profound social and economic impacts of climate change through the lens of national security risk management. This powerful and eye-opening analysis, presented by former Australian defence and political leaders, reveals the true level of existential consequences humanity could be facing. Using highly relevant and currently ongoing examples, these experts explain how climate change acts as a “catalyst for conflict” and a “threat multiplier” as it fuels instability here on Australia’s home front as well as in the world’s most vulnerable regions.
Episode Two addresses the deep insufficiencies of current international climate goals and policy targets, and highlights the dangers of gradual mitigation strategies. This episode delves into the possibilities for restoring safe climate conditions, identifying new priorities for maximum protection and investigating targets and timelines for a rapid transition to a below zero emissions economy. It also builds on the knowledge that we’ve already exceeded safe climate limits and explores the need to draw down carbon from the atmosphere and effectively cool the planet.
Episode Three examines Australia’s, and society’s, capacity to carry out a transition of epic proportions. Drawing from recent historic examples of mass mobilisation in the face of adversity, this episode investigates what the architecture of a safe climate economy could look like and considers the type of policies and leadership that would be needed to achieve the necessary scale and speed of change. In presenting a realistic, evidence-based, window into Australia’s potential decarbonised economy, this narrative also demonstrates the industry, employment, and social development opportunities that a transition of this type could provide.
Episode Four marks the end of the beginning in the safe climate movement. Achieving a supermajority of support for an emergency transition is likely to require a crossing of the political divide and effective connections with diverse communities across the country. This episode explores advocacy strategies for mobilising the grassroots to achieve a democratic mandate for emergency economic restructuring, while leveraging the financial and political influence of non-fossil fuel elites. This episode brings the climate action narrative into a local context for viewers and discusses what forms of action can generate political support to implement transition legislation and hold leadership accountable throughout a transition.